Doğum Tarihi: 04. 04. 1967
Doğum Yeri: Tarsus – İçel
Tıp Fakültesi
Hacetttepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 1984 – 1992
Hacettepe Tıp Fakültesi
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Araştırma Görevlisi Nisan 1992- Kasım 1997
Foot and Ankle Clinical Fellowship
Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA
( Mark S. Myerson MD ) Kasım 1996 – Mart 1997
Hand and Upper Extremity Research Fellowship
Curtis National Center for Treatment of the Hand and Upper Extremity
The Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA 2/2/1998 – 3/31/1998
Maryland Center for Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction
Kernan Hospital, Baltimore, MD
University of Maryland
( Dror Paley MD, John E. Herzenberg MD ) Nisan 1998 – Aralık 1998
Foot and Ankle Clinical Fellowship
Foot and Ankle Reconstruction Centre at Mercy
Baltimore, MD, USA
(Mark Myerson MD) Ocak – Şubat 2003
Sports Medicine
Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore , MD, USA Ocak 2007
Balıkesir 200 yataklı Askeri Hastanesi
Türkiye Klinikleri Sınavında Üçüncülük 1992
Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Derneği
American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, International Fellow
1-Letter to the editor
A. Oznur, G. Karakurum, A. Surat
Clin Orthop 329, 339-40, 1996
2- Letter to the editor
A. Oznur, G. Karakurum, A. M. Tokgözoğlu
J. Bone Joint Surg (Br) 79-B: 341-2,1997
3 Letter to the Editor
A. Oznur, A. M. Tokgözoğlu, A. M. Alpaslan
Clin Orthop, 366: 286-7, 1999.
4- G. Karakurum, A. Oznur, B. Atilla
Bilateral Peroneal Tubercle Osteochondroma of the Calceneus
Foot and Ankle International 19(4): 259-61, 1998.
5- Results of Arthrodesis of the Hallux Metatarsophalangeal Joint Using Bone Graft for Restoration of Bone Loss
MS Myerson LC Schon, F MC Guigan, A Oznur
Foot & Ankle Int. 21(4):297-306, 2000
6- A. Alanay, E. Acaroğlu, A. Surat, A. Oznur: Short Segment Pedicle Instrumentation of Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures: Does Transpedicular Intracorporal Grafting Prevent Early Failure ?
Spine 26(2):213-7, 2001.
7- A. Oznur: Syme ankle disarticulation: A simplified technique.
Foot & Ankle Int. 22;4:484-5, 2001.
8 A. Oznur: Medial malleolar window approach for osteochondral lesions of the talus.
Foot & Ankle Int. 22;10:841-2, 2001.
9- A. Oznur, M. Alpaslan: Osteochondroma of the sustentaculum tali producing tarsal tunnel syndrome.
Foot and Ankle Surgery 8:63-66, 2002.
10- Denk CC., Oznur A., Sürücü S.: Double tendons at the distal attachment fo the extensor hallucis longus muscle. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 24(1):50-2, 2002
11- A. Oznur, C. Aksoy, M. Tokgozoglu: Posteromedial approach and posterior plating of
the tibia.
Journal of Trauma, Injury, İnfection, and Crical Care 53(4):722-4, 2002.
12- A. Oznur, A. Kayıkcıoglu. A simple technique for improving the appreance of pin- site
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 11(2): 710-711, 2002.
13- A. Oznur, A. Kayıkcıoglu: Z-plasty of medial capsule in hallux valgus surgery.
Foot & Ankle Int. 23(10):949-51, 2002.
14- A. Oznur. A new technique for fixation of distal Chevron osteotomy.
Foot & Ankle Int. 23(10):954-5, 2002.
15- A. Oznur. Management of large soft-tissue defects in a diabetic patient.
Foot & Ankle Int, 24(1):79-82,2003.
16- A. Oznur, A. Surat: A new surgical technique for anteromedial impingement of the talus.
Foot and Ankle Surgery. 9;197-199, 2003.
17- A. Oznur, AM. Alpaslan: Lengthening of short great toe and correction of all lesser toe
deformities by distraction-lengthening.
Foot & Ankle Int. 24(4):345-8, 2003.
18- A. Oznur, M. Tokgözoğlu: Closure of central defects of the forefoot with external
Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, 43(1):56-9, 2004
19- Dogan OF, Oznur A, Demircin M:
A new technical approach for sternal closure with suture anchors (Dogan technique).
Heart Surg Forum. 2004 Jul 1;7(4):E328-32. Review.
20- Aksoy DY, Gürlek A, Çetinkaya Y, Oznur A, Yazıcı M, Özgür F, Aydıngöz U, Gedik O:
Change in the amputation profile in diabetic foot in a tertiary reference center: efficacy of
team working.
Endocrinol Diabetes. 2004 Oct;112(9):526-30
21- A. Oznur., H Ozer: Peroneal tendon repair with autologus hamstring tendons.
J Foot Ankle Surg. 44(6): 487-9,2005.
22- Ozer H, Oznur A: Complications following hamstring anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction with femoral cross-pin fixation.
Arthroscopy 2005 Nov 21(11):1407-8
23- H Ozer, A Oznur: The transvers dorsal approach to displaced multi-metatarsal fractures.
J Foot Ankle Surg. 45(3):190-1,2006.
24- A. Oznur, H. Ozer: Ray amputation with limited incision.
Foot Ankle Int. 27(5):382,2006.
25- A Oznur: Mini-fixator assisted correction of DMAA in hallux valgus surgery.
Foot Ankle Int.27(10):849-50, 2006
26- Atilla B, Oznur A, Cağlar O, Tokgözoglu M, Alpaslan M: Osteometry of the femora in
Turkish individuals: a morphometric study in 114 cadaveric femora as an anatomic basis of
femoral component design.
Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 41(4):64-68,2007.
27- Zgonis T, Oznur A, Roukis TS: A novel technique for closing difficult diabeetic cleft foot
wounds with skin grafting and a ring-type external fixation system.
Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics, 2006
28- Oznur A, Zgonis T: Closure of major diabetic foot wounds and defects with external
Clin Podiatr Med Surg. 2007 Jul;24(3):519-28
29- Oznur A, Komurcu M, Marangoz S, Tasatan E, Alparslan M, Atesalp AS:
A new perspective on management of open calcaneus fractures.
Int Orthop 2007 Jun 21
B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler :
1- A.M. Tokgözoğlu, A.M. Alpaslan, A.Ö. Atay, A. Öznur
Revision Hip Arthroplasty Using AML Femoral Stem. Midterm Results.
Europan Hip Society 2nd Domestic Meeting, July 2-5 Helsinki
2 – A. Öznur, T. Göğüş, A. Surat, A.M. Tokgözoğlu
Late Results of Triple Arthrodesis in Poliomyelitis
European Foot and Ankle Societies Congress, October 23-25 1997, Paris, France
3 -Francis McGuigan, M.S. Myerson, L.C. Schon, A. Öznur
Results of Arthrodesis of the Hallux Metatarsophalangeal Joint Using Bone Graft for Restoration of Bone Loss
American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Meeting, March 22, 1988, New Orleans, LA,USA
4 -F. McGuigan, M.S. Myerson, L.C. Schon, A. Öznur
Results of Arthrodesis of the Hallux Metatarsophalangeal Joint Using Bone Graft for Restoration of Bone Loss
European Foot and Ankle Societies Congress. October 23-25, 1997, Paris, France
5- Effectiveness of proximal locking in osteogenesis imperfecta patients treated with telescopic rods. C. Aksoy, A. Öznur, B. Atilla, AM. Tokgözoğlu, M. Alpaslan
Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, May 2-5, 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
6- A. Öznur, A. Kayıkçıoğlu
Z-plasty of medial capsule in hallux valgus surgery
IFFAS meeting San Francisco, USA, 12-14 september 2002
D. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
1 A. Öznur, A. M. Tokgözoğlu, A. M. Alpaslan
A New Modification of Sliding Nail for Treatment of Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
Turkish Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Vol. 3 Num. 1-2: 70-72, 1997.
2 G. Leblebicioğlu, A. Öznur, T. Göğüş
Simultaneous Open Dislocation of Both Interphalangeal Joints in a Finger.
Turkish Journal of Hand Surgery and Microsurgery. Num. 4-5: 52-53, 1996.
3 A Öznur, A Atay, G Leblebicioğlu, D Ertoy, MN Doral
Miçetoma ( Madura Ayağı )
Hacettepe Ortopedi Dergisi 10(1): 31-5, 2000
4 A. Öznur, A. Alanay, A. Gürlek, A. Surat
Birinci metatarsofalangeal eklem nöroartropatisi
Hacettepe Ortopedi Dergisi, 11(1):38-42, 2001.
5- A Alanay, A Öznur, C Aksoy, F Özgür, E Acaroğlu, M Tokgözoğlu
Inraartiküler kalkaneus kırıklarının cerrahi tedavi sonuçları
Hacettepe Ortopedi Dergisi 10 (4): 144-150, 2000.
6- A Öznur
Ayak bileği lateral kollateral ligament yaralanmaları.
Romatoloji & Tıbbi Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 12(2): 96-104, 2001.
7- MN Doral, O Tetik, ÖA Atay, G Leblebicioğlu, A Öznur
Aşil tendonunda görülen patolojiler ve tedavileri
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 36 Suppl 1:42-46, 2002.
8- A Öznur, MN Doral, A Çil, ÖA Atay, O Tetik
Morton nöroma
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 36 Suppl 1: 82-86, 2002
E. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:
1. Servikal Vertebra Osteokondromu
M.C. Aksoy, R.E. Acaroğlu, C.R. Pandey, Ş. Memikoğlu, A. Öznur
3. Uluslararası Spinal Cerrahi Kongresi, 1994, İzmir.
2 Osteogenesis İmperfecta Tedavi Sonuçları: Modifiye Çivi Kullanımı
A.M. Tokgözoğlu, A.M. Alpaslan, A. Öznur, V.S. Ünal, G. Karakurum
1. Alman – Türk Pediatrik Ortopedi Kongresi, Mayıs 24-27, 1996, Antalya.
3 Çocuklarda Diskoid Menisküs
A.Ö. Atay, A. Öznur, M.N. Doral
1. Alman – Türk Pediatrik Ortopedi Kongresi, Mayıs 24-27, 1996, Antalya.
4 Travmatik Primer Omuz Çıkıklarında MRG Bulguları
A. Öznur, T. Tacal, A.M. Tokgözoğlu, A. Surat
5. Ulusal El ve Üst Ekstremite Cerrahisi Kongresi, Kasım 26-29 1996, Pamukkale.
5 Torakolomber burst kırıklarının kısa segment fiksasyon yöntemi ile tedavisi: Transpediküler greftlemenin rolü.
A. Surat, E. Acaroğlu, A. Alanay, A. Öznur
Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi, 2000, Antalya
F. Kitap Bölümleri
1 A. Öznur, B. Atilla: Diz Cerrahisi. Diz Fleksiyon Kontraktürlerinde Tedavi Seçenekleri. Ed NR. Tandoğan, A. M. Alpaslan, Ankara, 1999, 431-8.
2 A. Öznur: Nöroartropati ve ayak bileği kırıkları. Diabetik Ayak, Editör T. Ünsaldı 2001.
3 M. Tokgözoğlu, A. Öznur: Kemik Enfeksiyonları, Editör: İ. Sayek Cerrahi Enfeksiyonlar, 2001.
4 A. Öznur: Diabetik Ayak, Editör: İ. Sayek, Genel Cerrahi, 2004.